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Rebekah is the host of WellBeing for Everybody, a unique, community-based approach to wellbeing and resilience. She is also a Somatic Coach (PCC) & Bodyworker with more than fifteen years of hands-on experience applying both Eastern and Western healing wisdom. As a survivor of domestic violence, she uses the same skills and strategies shared with leaders in her coaching practice to transform her life, support her now-grown children in their own trauma healing. Leaders in business, education, non-profits, and health care apply this wisdom to live into their full potential, to experience more balance and meaning, and to sustain their contribution over a lifetime of service.


Here's the thing: Rebekah doesn't believe it's just leaders who need this. She's on a mission to democratize this life-changing knowledge. Everybody has a unique contribution to make, and should be equipped with skills, strategies, and community support to live their best life and make their best contribution


Born and raised in Pacifica, CA, Rebekah now lives in rural Montana where she and her partner raised their blended brood of five. Rebekah enjoys hiking and gardening, is learning to play hockey, and gets back to the ocean and redwood forests as often as she can.

*Money should never be a barrier to healing and wholeness. Reach out if you need financial assistance.
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